Streamlining Trial Balance Imports in NetSuite: A Guide to Handling Intercompany Transactions

Streamlining Trial Balance Imports in NetSuite: A Guide to Handling Intercompany Transactions
Streamlining Trial Balance Imports in NetSuite: A Guide to Handling Intercompany Transactions

When migrating to NetSuite from a legacy system, managing Trial Balance (TB) imports efficiently is crucial, especially when it comes to intercompany transactions. Often, these transactions leave balances in clearing accounts that need careful reclassification - a sensitive task that's pivotal for accurate financial reporting in NetSuite.

The Challenge:

During TB imports, it's common to encounter balances directed into clearing accounts. The complexity escalates with intercompany transactions, where values must be precisely reclassified to align with NetSuite’s sophisticated Intercompany process. This scenario typically arises when clearing the Accounts Payable (AP) or Accounts Receivable (AR) registers post-import, revealing unexpected balances for your Customers or Vendors.

The Solution:

Here's a streamlined approach to ensure these balances are correctly moved - first to your Intercompany (IC) Entities and then into actual intercompany accounts for elimination:

Advanced Intercompany Journal Entry (Adv IC JE) Creation

This step is for managing credits or debits in clearing accounts across subsidiaries.

For a Credit in Clearing on Sub1 / Source Sub:

  • Sub 1: Debit in Clearing, ensuring that you are tagging the Customer or Vendor accordingly
  • Sub 1: Credit in IC Account, Due to/from Sub2 (auto-balancing expected)
  • Sub 2: Debit in IC Account, Due to/from Sub1 (auto-balancing expected)
  • Sub 2: Credit in Clearing, ensuring NOT to tag the Customer or Vendor
This is an example for when there is a Credit in the Clearing account. If your Intercompany Preferences are set up, then the Auto Balance functionality will handle the IC Account Lines automatically for you.

If you have the inverse in your environment, a Debit in the Clearing account, then the Debits and Credits are reversed as pictured below.

This is an example for when there is a Debit in the Clearing account. If your Intercompany Preferences are set up, then the Auto Balance functionality will handle the IC Account Lines automatically for you.

Why It Matters:

Navigating the reclassification of balances during a system transition not only ensures your financial data's integrity but also leverages NetSuite’s full potential for intercompany accounting. This precision fosters clearer insights, compliance, and ultimately, more strategic financial decision-making.

Transitioning to NetSuite’s environment from a legacy system presents unique challenges, but with meticulous attention to detail and a clear understanding of processes like these, businesses can achieve a seamless integration, setting the stage for future success.

Have you faced similar challenges during TB imports or system migrations? How did you navigate these complexities? Share your experiences or tips in the comments.

Should you still encounter balances on Aging reports after following the outlined steps, it's probable these stem from TB imports that have introduced values into your AP (Accounts Payable) or AR (Accounts Receivable) accounts without assigning an entity. This common occurrence can mask itself within your financials, subtly impacting reports. Identifying and rectifying these discrepancies is crucial for maintaining accurate and entity-specific financial records in NetSuite.

If you encounter balances on Aging reports after TB imports due to values entered into AP or AR accounts without an assigned entity, here are some corrective steps you can take to address the issue within NetSuite:

Step 1: Identify the Unassigned Transactions

  • Run a Custom Search: Create a custom search in NetSuite for AP and AR transactions lacking entity assignments. Focus on the period of your TB import to narrow down the results.

Step 2: Assign Entities to the Transactions

  • Manual Assignment: For transactions that can be directly associated with an existing entity, manually update each transaction to include the correct entity.
  • Batch Update: If numerous transactions are affected, consider using NetSuite's batch update feature to assign entities to transactions in bulk, based on common criteria or identifiers.

Step 3: Create Corrective Journal Entries

  • Adjusting Entries for Entity-Specific Balances: For balances that cannot be directly associated with a specific entity through transaction updates, create journal entries to adjust the AP or AR balances. Ensure these entries move the balances to the correct entity-specific accounts.

Step 4: Review and Confirm Corrections

  • Re-run Aging Reports: After making the adjustments, re-run your Aging reports to ensure that the balances now reflect the correct entity assignments and that no unassigned transactions remain.
  • Audit Trail and Documentation: Maintain clear documentation of the changes made, including the rationale for entity assignments and any corrective journal entries. This will be crucial for future audits and financial analysis.

Step 5: Implement Preventative Measures

  • Review Import Process: Examine your TB import process to identify how transactions were imported without entity assignments. Adjust your import templates or processes to prevent this issue in the future.
  • Training and Protocols: If the issue stemmed from manual entry or oversight, consider additional training for your team on the importance of entity assignments during transaction entries and imports.


Addressing balances on Aging reports due to unassigned entities requires a meticulous approach to identify, correct, and prevent such issues. By taking these steps, you ensure that your NetSuite financials are accurate, compliant, and reflective of your business operations.

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